
Асхат Хабидулович

8 701 511 99 72


8 (7172) 39 33 78

Представитель в г. Атырау


8 701 527 59 96   


About company

ORDER MFN RK: from July 8, 2010 № 235 About additions to the Order of the Minister for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan issued on the 29-th of December, 2008 № 219 “About adoption of normative acts in the field of industrial safety” Part 1 General rules of industrial safety, adopted by specified order, to supplement with the Chapter 18-1 of the following content « The production of work at height by the method of industrial mountaineering » … paragraph 9 «Personal documents». « PromAlp.kz » - Our Company performs high-altitude works by the method of « Industrial Mountaineering ».

11 reasons to contact us

We have developed and have been accredited of «Curriculum of the training of industrial mountaineering » in the Committee on the state control of MFN RK.
We have developed and received accreditation on preparation, retraining and training of industrial alpinist in the RK.
We have the RK Certificate « Labor safety and protection», the RK Certification «Regulations of legislative demands of industrial safety».
We have classrooms, a base (practical exercises), visual-handout material, developed «Tutorial on Industrial mountaineering», and educational methodological and didactic materials.
We have certificate of Russian centre– of industrial alpinists.
We are the members of the Mountaineering and Climbing Federation of Kazakhstan.
There are Masters of Sport among us.
We organize and carry out mountain expeditions.
We work throughout the territory of Kazakhstan and CIS countries.
We are the only in Capital, who selects, trains and gives a practice to personal.
We are the only accredited company in Kazakhstan, with the right of issuing certification of industrial alpinist and qualification book of industrial alpinist, which allows You to work legally on the market of high-altitude works.

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